The benefits of hunting are many. From playing an important role in managing wildlife populations to the health benefits of spending time outdoors, and harvesting sustainable, free range protein, hunters understand and appreciate the connection they have with nature.
Each year approximately 15 million hunters head to America’s woods and waters with their sights set on all sorts of quarry. From popular hunted species like deer, elk, waterfowl, pheasants, turkey, squirrel and bear to dozens of other species, hunters harvest nearly 600 million pounds of wild game meat each year.
In addition to feeding themselves, their family and friends, hunters donate more than 16 million pounds of wild game meat to food banks across America each year. That is enough healthy protein for nearly 65 million meals, making hunters primary contributors that are helping to solve the hunger crisis in America.
With 34 million American’s facing food insecurity on a daily basis, the hunger crisis in America is at horrific levels with no sign of getting better.
Even though hunters currently donate more natural, free-range, sustainable game meat than any other group, more donations are needed.
If you hunt, and the opportunity arises, please consider taking an extra harvest and donate it to a local food bank.
There are many butchers that accept game meat donations across the country. The NRA Hunters for the Hungry website includes a state map where you can find additional information on how to donate extra game meat.
Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation, along with our partner of conservation Fiocchi USA, thank you for being stewards of conservation and for helping solve the hunger crisis in America by “Donating A Deer”.
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