America’s 60+ million active HATS™ (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers and Shooters) spend more time out of doors than any other group. They go deep into nature and find solace in the outdoors.
Something else they find while outdoors …
other people’s trash!
Being primary funders and stewards of land, fish and wildlife conservation in America, HATS™ are making Outdoor Stewards of Conservations’ Fill a Bag, While Filling Your Tag™ program one of the fastest growing grass roots efforts to take trash out of nature.
A true consortium, this program works with manufacturers, retailers, conservation groups and state wildlife agencies to distribute light weight biodegradable bags to HATS™ across America and asks them to fill a bag with trash they come across while participating in hunting, angling and target shooting.
With a goal of 100 tons of trash removed annually, nature never looked so good thanks to HATS™.
This, first-of-its-kind, national conservation engagement program fits in nicely with ESG and CSR standards. To learn more about how you can connect your organization with conservation, contact
Jim Curcuruto (203) 450-7202.
Get Your Bag!
Donate $5
and receive a “Fill A Bag” bag and an
Outdoor Stewards
of Conservation sticker!